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Collisions between robot and environmentΒΆ
import os
import time
import numpy as np
import open3d as o3d
from pytransform3d.urdf import UrdfTransformManager
import pytransform3d.visualizer as pv
from distance3d import random, colliders, gjk, mpr, broad_phase
from distance3d.aabb_tree import all_aabbs_overlap
class AnimationCallback:
def __init__(self, with_aabb_tree=True, collision_detection_algorithm="mpr",
n_frames=100, verbose=0):
self.with_aabb_tree = with_aabb_tree
self.collision_detection_algorithm = collision_detection_algorithm
self.n_frames = n_frames
self.verbose = verbose
self.total_time = 0.0
def __call__(self, step, n_frames, tm, robot_bvh, world_bvh, joint_names):
if step == 0:
self.total_time = 0.0
angle = 0.5 * np.cos(2.0 * np.pi * (step / n_frames))
for joint_name in joint_names:
tm.set_joint(joint_name, angle)
in_contact = {frame: False for frame in robot_bvh.get_collider_frames()}
in_aabb = {frame: False for frame in robot_bvh.get_collider_frames()}
if self.collision_detection_algorithm == "gjk":
detect_collision = lambda x, y: gjk.gjk(x, y)[0] < 1e-6
elif self.collision_detection_algorithm == "mpr":
detect_collision = mpr.mpr_intersection
elif self.collision_detection_algorithm == "gjk_intersection":
detect_collision = gjk.gjk_intersection
raise ValueError(
f"Unknown collision detection algorithm "
f"'{self.collision_detection_algorithm}'. Allowed values are: "
f"'gjk', 'mpr'")
total_time = 0.0
if self.with_aabb_tree:
start = time.time()
pairs = robot_bvh.aabb_overlapping_with_other_bvh(world_bvh)
for pair in pairs:
frame, collider = pair[0]
_, box = pair[1]
in_aabb[frame] |= True
in_contact[frame] |= detect_collision(collider, box)
stop = time.time()
total_time += stop - start
if self.verbose:
print(f"With AABBTree: {total_time}")
start = time.time()
aabbs1 = []
robot_coll_list = list(robot_bvh.colliders_.items())
for frame, collider in robot_coll_list:
aabbs2 = []
world_coll_list = list(world_bvh.colliders_.items())
for _, box in world_coll_list:
_, _, pairs = all_aabbs_overlap(aabbs1, aabbs2)
for pair in pairs:
frame, collider = robot_coll_list[pair[0]]
_, box = world_coll_list[pair[1]]
in_aabb[frame] |= True
in_contact[frame] |= detect_collision(collider, box)
stop = time.time()
total_time += stop - start
if self.verbose:
print(f"Without AABBTree: {total_time}")
self.total_time += total_time
for frame in in_contact:
geometry = robot_bvh.colliders_[frame].artist_.geometries[0]
if in_contact[frame]:
geometry.paint_uniform_color((1, 0, 0))
elif in_aabb[frame]:
geometry.paint_uniform_color((1, 0.5, 0))
geometry.paint_uniform_color((0.5, 0.5, 0.5))
if step == self.n_frames - 1:
print(f"Total time: {self.total_time}")
return robot_bvh.get_artists()
BASE_DIR = "test/data/"
data_dir = BASE_DIR
search_path = ".."
while (not os.path.exists(data_dir) and
os.path.dirname(search_path) != "distance3d"):
search_path = os.path.join(search_path, "..")
data_dir = os.path.join(search_path, BASE_DIR)
tm = UrdfTransformManager()
filename = os.path.join(data_dir, "robot.urdf")
with open(filename, "r") as f:
robot_urdf =
tm.load_urdf(robot_urdf, mesh_path=data_dir)
joint_names = ["joint%d" % i for i in range(1, 7)]
for joint_name in joint_names:
tm.set_joint(joint_name, 0.7)
robot_bvh = broad_phase.BoundingVolumeHierarchy(tm, "robot_arm")
robot_bvh.fill_tree_with_colliders(tm, make_artists=True)
world_bvh = broad_phase.BoundingVolumeHierarchy(tm, "world")
random_state = np.random.RandomState(5)
fig = pv.figure()
for i in range(50):
box2origin, size = random.rand_box(
random_state, center_scale=0.5, size_scale=0.3)
box2origin[:3, 3] += 0.2
color = random_state.rand(3)
box_artist = pv.Box(size=size, A2B=box2origin, c=color)
box = colliders.Margin(colliders.Box(box2origin, size, artist=box_artist), 0.03)
world_bvh.add_collider("Box %s" % i, box)
aabb = box.aabb()
aabb = o3d.geometry.AxisAlignedBoundingBox(aabb[:, 0], aabb[:, 1])
aabb.color = (1, 0, 0)
for artist in robot_bvh.get_artists():
n_frames = 100
animation_callback = AnimationCallback(
collision_detection_algorithm="gjk_intersection", # mpr, gjk, or gjk_intersection
n_frames=n_frames, verbose=0)
if "__file__" in globals():
fig.animate(animation_callback, n_frames, loop=True,
fargs=(n_frames, tm, robot_bvh, world_bvh, joint_names))
Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)