
distance3d.distance.line_to_plane(line_point, line_direction, plane_point, plane_normal, epsilon=1e-06)[source]

Compute the shortest distance from line to plane.

line_pointarray, shape (3,)

Point on line.

line_directionarray, shape (3,)

Direction of the line. This is assumed to be of unit length.

plane_pointarray, shape (3,)

Point on the plane.

plane_normalarray, shape (3,)

Normal of the plane. We assume unit length.

epsilonfloat, optional (default: 1e-6)

Values smaller than epsilon are considered to be 0.


The shortest distance between line and plane.

closest_point_linearray, shape (3,)

Closest point on line.

closest_point_planearray, shape (3,)

Closest point on plane.