Module gmr.mvn

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import numpy as np
from .utils import check_random_state
import scipy as sp
from scipy.stats import chi2
from scipy.spatial.distance import mahalanobis
from scipy.linalg import pinvh

def invert_indices(n_features, indices):
    inv = np.ones(n_features, dtype=bool)
    inv[indices] = False
    inv, = np.where(inv)
    return inv

class MVN(object):
    """Multivariate normal distribution.

    Some utility functions for MVNs. See
    for more details.

    mean : array-like, shape (n_features), optional
        Mean of the MVN.

    covariance : array-like, shape (n_features, n_features), optional
        Covariance of the MVN.

    verbose : int, optional (default: 0)
        Verbosity level.

    random_state : int or RandomState, optional (default: global random state)
        If an integer is given, it fixes the seed. Defaults to the global numpy
        random number generator.
    def __init__(self, mean=None, covariance=None, verbose=0,
        self.mean = mean
        self.covariance = covariance
        self.verbose = verbose
        self.random_state = check_random_state(random_state)
        self.norm = None

        if self.mean is not None:
            self.mean = np.asarray(self.mean)
        if self.covariance is not None:
            self.covariance = np.asarray(self.covariance)

    def _check_initialized(self):
        if self.mean is None:
            raise ValueError("Mean has not been initialized")
        if self.covariance is None:
            raise ValueError("Covariance has not been initialized")

    def from_samples(self, X, bessels_correction=True):
        """MLE of the mean and covariance.

        X : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features)
            Samples from the true function.

        bessels_correction : bool
            Apply Bessel's correction to the covariance estimate.

        self : MVN
            This object.
        self.mean = np.mean(X, axis=0)
        bias = 0 if bessels_correction else 1
        self.covariance = np.cov(X, rowvar=0, bias=bias)
        self.norm = None
        return self

    def sample(self, n_samples):
        """Sample from multivariate normal distribution.

        n_samples : int
            Number of samples.

        X : array, shape (n_samples, n_features)
            Samples from the MVN.
        return self.random_state.multivariate_normal(
            self.mean, self.covariance, size=(n_samples,))

    def sample_confidence_region(self, n_samples, alpha):
        """Sample from alpha confidence region.

        n_samples : int
            Number of samples.

        alpha : float
            Value between 0 and 1 that defines the probability of the
            confidence region, e.g., 0.6827 for the 1-sigma confidence
            region or 0.9545 for the 2-sigma confidence region.

        X : array, shape (n_samples, n_features)
            Samples from the confidence region.
        return np.array([self._one_sample_confidence_region(alpha)
                         for _ in range(n_samples)])

    def _one_sample_confidence_region(self, alpha):
        x = self.sample(1)[0]
        while not self.is_in_confidence_region(x, alpha):
            x = self.sample(1)[0]
        return x

    def is_in_confidence_region(self, x, alpha):
        """Check if sample is in alpha confidence region.

        x : array, shape (n_features,)

        alpha : float
            Value between 0 and 1 that defines the probability of the
            confidence region, e.g., 0.6827 for the 1-sigma confidence
            region or 0.9545 for the 2-sigma confidence region.

        is_in_confidence_region : bool
            Is the sample in the alpha confidence region?
        # we have one degree of freedom less than number of dimensions
        n_dof = len(x) - 1
        return self.squared_mahalanobis_distance(x) <= chi2(n_dof).ppf(alpha)

    def to_norm_factor_and_exponents(self, X):
        """Compute normalization factor and exponents of Gaussian.

        These values can be used to compute the probability density function
        of this Gaussian: p(x) = norm_factor * np.exp(exponents).

        X : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features)

        norm_factor : float
            Normalization factor: constant term outside of exponential
            function in probability density function of this Gaussian.

        exponents : array, shape (n_samples,)
            Exponents to compute probability density function.

        X = np.atleast_2d(X)
        n_features = X.shape[1]

            L = sp.linalg.cholesky(self.covariance, lower=True)
        except np.linalg.LinAlgError:
            # Degenerated covariance, try to add regularization
            L = sp.linalg.cholesky(
                self.covariance + 1e-3 * np.eye(n_features), lower=True)

        X_minus_mean = X - self.mean

        if self.norm is None:
            # Suppress a determinant of 0 to avoid numerical problems
            L_det = max(sp.linalg.det(L), np.finfo(L.dtype).eps)
            self.norm = 0.5 / np.pi ** (0.5 * n_features) / L_det

        # Solve L x = (X - mean)^T for x with triangular L
        # (LL^T = Sigma), that is, x = L^T^-1 (X - mean)^T.
        # We can avoid covariance inversion when computing
        # (X - mean) Sigma^-1 (X - mean)^T  with this trick,
        # since Sigma^-1 = L^T^-1 L^-1.
        X_normalized = sp.linalg.solve_triangular(
            L, X_minus_mean.T, lower=True).T

        exponent = -0.5 * np.sum(X_normalized ** 2, axis=1)

        return self.norm, exponent

    def to_probability_density(self, X):
        """Compute probability density.

        X : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features)

        p : array, shape (n_samples,)
            Probability densities of data.
        norm_factor, exponents = self.to_norm_factor_and_exponents(X)
        return norm_factor * np.exp(exponents)

    def marginalize(self, indices):
        """Marginalize over everything except the given indices.

        indices : array, shape (n_new_features,)
            Indices of dimensions that we want to keep.

        marginal : MVN
            Marginal MVN distribution.
        return MVN(mean=self.mean[indices],
                   covariance=self.covariance[np.ix_(indices, indices)])

    def condition(self, indices, x):
        """Conditional distribution over given indices.

        indices : array, shape (n_new_features,)
            Indices of dimensions that we want to condition.

        x : array, shape (n_new_features,)
            Values of the features that we know.

        conditional : MVN
            Conditional MVN distribution p(Y | X=x).
        mean, covariance = condition(
            self.mean, self.covariance,
            invert_indices(self.mean.shape[0], indices), indices, x)
        return MVN(mean=mean, covariance=covariance,

    def predict(self, indices, X):
        """Predict means and covariance of posteriors.

        Same as condition() but for multiple samples.

        indices : array-like, shape (n_features_1,)
            Indices of dimensions that we want to condition.

        X : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features_1)
            Values of the features that we know.

        Y : array, shape (n_samples, n_features_2)
            Predicted means of missing values.

        covariance : array, shape (n_features_2, n_features_2)
            Covariance of the predicted features.
        indices = np.asarray(indices, dtype=int)
        X = np.asarray(X)
        return condition(
            self.mean, self.covariance,
            invert_indices(self.mean.shape[0], indices), indices, X)

    def squared_mahalanobis_distance(self, x):
        """Squared Mahalanobis distance between point and this MVN.

        x : array, shape (n_features,)

        d : float
            Squared Mahalanobis distance
        return mahalanobis(x, self.mean, np.linalg.inv(self.covariance)) ** 2

    def to_ellipse(self, factor=1.0):
        """Compute error ellipse.

        An error ellipse shows equiprobable points.

        factor : float
            One means standard deviation.

        angle : float
            Rotation angle of the ellipse.

        width : float
            Width of the ellipse (semi axis, not diameter).

        height : float
            Height of the ellipse (semi axis, not diameter).
        vals, vecs = sp.linalg.eigh(self.covariance)
        order = vals.argsort()[::-1]
        vals, vecs = vals[order], vecs[:, order]
        angle = np.arctan2(*vecs[:, 0][::-1])
        width, height = factor * np.sqrt(vals)
        return angle, width, height

    def _sqrt_cov(self, C):
        """Compute square root of a symmetric matrix.

        C : array, shape (n_features, n_features)
            Symmetric matrix.

        sqrt(C) : array, shape (n_features, n_features)
            Square root of covariance. The square root of a square
            matrix is defined as
            :math:`\Sigma^{\frac{1}{2}} = B \sqrt(D) B^T`, where
            :math:`\Sigma = B D B^T` is the Eigen decomposition of the
        D, B = np.linalg.eigh(C)
        # HACK: avoid numerical problems
        D = np.maximum(D, np.finfo(float).eps)

    def sigma_points(self, alpha=1e-3, kappa=0.0):
        """Compute sigma points for unscented transform.

        The unscented transform allows us to estimate the resulting MVN from
        applying a nonlinear transformation :math:`f` to this MVN. In order to
        do this, you have to transform the sigma points obtained from this
        function with :math:`f` and then create the new MVN with
        :func:`MVN.estimate_from_sigma_points`. The unscented transform is most
        commonly used in the Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF).

        alpha : float, optional (default: 1e-3)
            Determines the spread of the sigma points around the mean and is
            usually set to a small positive value.

        kappa : float, optional (default: 0)
            A secondary scaling parameter which is usually set to 0.

        sigma_points : array, shape (2 * n_features + 1, n_features)
            Query points that have to be transformed to estimate the resulting

        n_features = len(self.mean)
        lmbda = alpha ** 2 * (n_features + kappa) - n_features
        offset = self._sqrt_cov((n_features + lmbda) * self.covariance)

        points = np.empty(((2 * n_features + 1), n_features))
        points[0, :] = self.mean
        for i in range(n_features):
            points[1 + i, :] = self.mean + offset[i]
            points[1 + n_features + i:, :] = self.mean - offset[i]
        return points

    def estimate_from_sigma_points(self, transformed_sigma_points, alpha=1e-3, beta=2.0, kappa=0.0, random_state=None):
        """Estimate new MVN from sigma points through the unscented transform.

        See :func:`MVN.sigma_points` for more details.

        transformed_sigma_points : array, shape (2 * n_features + 1, n_features)
            Query points that were transformed to estimate the resulting MVN.

        alpha : float, optional (default: 1e-3)
            Determines the spread of the sigma points around the mean and is
            usually set to a small positive value. Note that this value has
            to match the value that was used to create the sigma points.

        beta : float, optional (default: 2)
            Encodes information about the distribution. For Gaussian
            distributions, beta=2 is the optimal choice.

        kappa : float, optional (default: 0)
            A secondary scaling parameter which is usually set to 0. Note that
            this value has to match the value that was used to create the
            sigma points.

        random_state : int or RandomState, optional (default: random state of self)
            If an integer is given, it fixes the seed. Defaults to the global
            numpy random number generator.

        mvn : MVN
            Transformed MVN: f(self).

        n_features = len(self.mean)
        lmbda = alpha ** 2 * (n_features + kappa) - n_features

        mean_weight_0 = lmbda / (n_features + lmbda)
        cov_weight_0 = lmbda / (n_features + lmbda) + (1 - alpha ** 2 + beta)
        weights_i = 1.0 / (2.0 * (n_features + lmbda))
        mean_weights = np.empty(len(transformed_sigma_points))
        mean_weights[0] = mean_weight_0
        mean_weights[1:] = weights_i
        cov_weights = np.empty(len(transformed_sigma_points))
        cov_weights[0] = cov_weight_0
        cov_weights[1:] = weights_i

        mean = np.sum(mean_weights[:, np.newaxis] * transformed_sigma_points,
        sigma_points_minus_mean = transformed_sigma_points - mean
        covariance =

        if random_state is None:
            random_state = self.random_state
        return MVN(mean=mean, covariance=covariance, random_state=random_state)

def plot_error_ellipse(ax, mvn, color=None, alpha=0.25,
                       factors=np.linspace(0.25, 2.0, 8)):
    """Plot error ellipse of MVN.

    ax : axis
        Matplotlib axis.

    mvn : MVN
        Multivariate normal distribution.

    color : str, optional (default: None)
        Color in which the ellipse should be plotted

    alpha : int, optional (default: 0.25)
        Alpha value for ellipse

    factors : array, optional (default: np.linspace(0.25, 2.0, 8))
        Multiples of the standard deviations that should be plotted.
    from matplotlib.patches import Ellipse
    for factor in factors:
        angle, width, height = mvn.to_ellipse(factor)
        ell = Ellipse(xy=mvn.mean, width=2.0 * width, height=2.0 * height,
        if color is not None:

def regression_coefficients(covariance, i1, i2, cov_12=None):
    """Compute regression coefficients to predict conditional distribution.

    covariance : array, shape (n_features, n_features)
        Covariance of MVN

    i1 : array, shape (n_features1,)
        Input feature indices

    i2 : array, shape (n_features2,)
        Output feature indices

    cov_12 : array, shape (n_features1, n_features2), optional (default: None)
        Precomputed block of the covariance matrix between input features and
        output features

    regression_coeffs : array, shape (n_features1, n_features2)
        Regression coefficients. These can be used to compute the mean of the
        conditional distribution as
        mean[i1] + - mean[i2]).T).T
    if cov_12 is None:
        cov_12 = covariance[np.ix_(i1, i2)]
    cov_22 = covariance[np.ix_(i2, i2)]
    prec_22 = pinvh(cov_22)

def condition(mean, covariance, i1, i2, X):
    """Compute conditional mean and covariance.

    mean : array, shape (n_features,)
        Mean of MVN

    covariance : array, shape (n_features, n_features)
        Covariance of MVN

    i1 : array, shape (n_features1,)
        Input feature indices

    i2 : array, shape (n_features2,)
        Output feature indices

    X : array, shape (n_samples, n_features1)

    mean : array, shape (n_features2,)
        Mean of the conditional distribution

    covariance : array, shape (n_features2, n_features2)
        Covariance of the conditional distribution
    cov_12 = covariance[np.ix_(i1, i2)]
    cov_11 = covariance[np.ix_(i1, i1)]
    regression_coeffs = regression_coefficients(
        covariance, i1, i2, cov_12=cov_12)

    mean = mean[i1] + - mean[i2]).T).T
    covariance = cov_11 -
    return mean, covariance


def condition(mean, covariance, i1, i2, X)

Compute conditional mean and covariance.


mean : array, shape (n_features,)
Mean of MVN
covariance : array, shape (n_features, n_features)
Covariance of MVN
i1 : array, shape (n_features1,)
Input feature indices
i2 : array, shape (n_features2,)
Output feature indices
X : array, shape (n_samples, n_features1)


mean : array, shape (n_features2,)
Mean of the conditional distribution
covariance : array, shape (n_features2, n_features2)
Covariance of the conditional distribution
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def condition(mean, covariance, i1, i2, X):
    """Compute conditional mean and covariance.

    mean : array, shape (n_features,)
        Mean of MVN

    covariance : array, shape (n_features, n_features)
        Covariance of MVN

    i1 : array, shape (n_features1,)
        Input feature indices

    i2 : array, shape (n_features2,)
        Output feature indices

    X : array, shape (n_samples, n_features1)

    mean : array, shape (n_features2,)
        Mean of the conditional distribution

    covariance : array, shape (n_features2, n_features2)
        Covariance of the conditional distribution
    cov_12 = covariance[np.ix_(i1, i2)]
    cov_11 = covariance[np.ix_(i1, i1)]
    regression_coeffs = regression_coefficients(
        covariance, i1, i2, cov_12=cov_12)

    mean = mean[i1] + - mean[i2]).T).T
    covariance = cov_11 -
    return mean, covariance
def invert_indices(n_features, indices)
Expand source code
def invert_indices(n_features, indices):
    inv = np.ones(n_features, dtype=bool)
    inv[indices] = False
    inv, = np.where(inv)
    return inv
def plot_error_ellipse(ax, mvn, color=None, alpha=0.25, factors=array([0.25, 0.5 , 0.75, 1. , 1.25, 1.5 , 1.75, 2. ]))

Plot error ellipse of MVN.


ax : axis
Matplotlib axis.
mvn : MVN
Multivariate normal distribution.
color : str, optional (default: None)
Color in which the ellipse should be plotted
alpha : int, optional (default: 0.25)
Alpha value for ellipse
factors : array, optional (default: np.linspace(0.25, 2.0, 8))
Multiples of the standard deviations that should be plotted.
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def plot_error_ellipse(ax, mvn, color=None, alpha=0.25,
                       factors=np.linspace(0.25, 2.0, 8)):
    """Plot error ellipse of MVN.

    ax : axis
        Matplotlib axis.

    mvn : MVN
        Multivariate normal distribution.

    color : str, optional (default: None)
        Color in which the ellipse should be plotted

    alpha : int, optional (default: 0.25)
        Alpha value for ellipse

    factors : array, optional (default: np.linspace(0.25, 2.0, 8))
        Multiples of the standard deviations that should be plotted.
    from matplotlib.patches import Ellipse
    for factor in factors:
        angle, width, height = mvn.to_ellipse(factor)
        ell = Ellipse(xy=mvn.mean, width=2.0 * width, height=2.0 * height,
        if color is not None:
def regression_coefficients(covariance, i1, i2, cov_12=None)

Compute regression coefficients to predict conditional distribution.


covariance : array, shape (n_features, n_features)
Covariance of MVN
i1 : array, shape (n_features1,)
Input feature indices
i2 : array, shape (n_features2,)
Output feature indices
cov_12 : array, shape (n_features1, n_features2), optional (default: None)
Precomputed block of the covariance matrix between input features and output features


regression_coeffs : array, shape (n_features1, n_features2)
Regression coefficients. These can be used to compute the mean of the conditional distribution as mean[i1] + - mean[i2]).T).T
Expand source code
def regression_coefficients(covariance, i1, i2, cov_12=None):
    """Compute regression coefficients to predict conditional distribution.

    covariance : array, shape (n_features, n_features)
        Covariance of MVN

    i1 : array, shape (n_features1,)
        Input feature indices

    i2 : array, shape (n_features2,)
        Output feature indices

    cov_12 : array, shape (n_features1, n_features2), optional (default: None)
        Precomputed block of the covariance matrix between input features and
        output features

    regression_coeffs : array, shape (n_features1, n_features2)
        Regression coefficients. These can be used to compute the mean of the
        conditional distribution as
        mean[i1] + - mean[i2]).T).T
    if cov_12 is None:
        cov_12 = covariance[np.ix_(i1, i2)]
    cov_22 = covariance[np.ix_(i2, i2)]
    prec_22 = pinvh(cov_22)


class MVN (mean=None, covariance=None, verbose=0, random_state=None)

Multivariate normal distribution.

Some utility functions for MVNs. See for more details.


mean : array-like, shape (n_features), optional
Mean of the MVN.
covariance : array-like, shape (n_features, n_features), optional
Covariance of the MVN.
verbose : int, optional (default: 0)
Verbosity level.
random_state : int or RandomState, optional (default: global random state)
If an integer is given, it fixes the seed. Defaults to the global numpy random number generator.
Expand source code
class MVN(object):
    """Multivariate normal distribution.

    Some utility functions for MVNs. See
    for more details.

    mean : array-like, shape (n_features), optional
        Mean of the MVN.

    covariance : array-like, shape (n_features, n_features), optional
        Covariance of the MVN.

    verbose : int, optional (default: 0)
        Verbosity level.

    random_state : int or RandomState, optional (default: global random state)
        If an integer is given, it fixes the seed. Defaults to the global numpy
        random number generator.
    def __init__(self, mean=None, covariance=None, verbose=0,
        self.mean = mean
        self.covariance = covariance
        self.verbose = verbose
        self.random_state = check_random_state(random_state)
        self.norm = None

        if self.mean is not None:
            self.mean = np.asarray(self.mean)
        if self.covariance is not None:
            self.covariance = np.asarray(self.covariance)

    def _check_initialized(self):
        if self.mean is None:
            raise ValueError("Mean has not been initialized")
        if self.covariance is None:
            raise ValueError("Covariance has not been initialized")

    def from_samples(self, X, bessels_correction=True):
        """MLE of the mean and covariance.

        X : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features)
            Samples from the true function.

        bessels_correction : bool
            Apply Bessel's correction to the covariance estimate.

        self : MVN
            This object.
        self.mean = np.mean(X, axis=0)
        bias = 0 if bessels_correction else 1
        self.covariance = np.cov(X, rowvar=0, bias=bias)
        self.norm = None
        return self

    def sample(self, n_samples):
        """Sample from multivariate normal distribution.

        n_samples : int
            Number of samples.

        X : array, shape (n_samples, n_features)
            Samples from the MVN.
        return self.random_state.multivariate_normal(
            self.mean, self.covariance, size=(n_samples,))

    def sample_confidence_region(self, n_samples, alpha):
        """Sample from alpha confidence region.

        n_samples : int
            Number of samples.

        alpha : float
            Value between 0 and 1 that defines the probability of the
            confidence region, e.g., 0.6827 for the 1-sigma confidence
            region or 0.9545 for the 2-sigma confidence region.

        X : array, shape (n_samples, n_features)
            Samples from the confidence region.
        return np.array([self._one_sample_confidence_region(alpha)
                         for _ in range(n_samples)])

    def _one_sample_confidence_region(self, alpha):
        x = self.sample(1)[0]
        while not self.is_in_confidence_region(x, alpha):
            x = self.sample(1)[0]
        return x

    def is_in_confidence_region(self, x, alpha):
        """Check if sample is in alpha confidence region.

        x : array, shape (n_features,)

        alpha : float
            Value between 0 and 1 that defines the probability of the
            confidence region, e.g., 0.6827 for the 1-sigma confidence
            region or 0.9545 for the 2-sigma confidence region.

        is_in_confidence_region : bool
            Is the sample in the alpha confidence region?
        # we have one degree of freedom less than number of dimensions
        n_dof = len(x) - 1
        return self.squared_mahalanobis_distance(x) <= chi2(n_dof).ppf(alpha)

    def to_norm_factor_and_exponents(self, X):
        """Compute normalization factor and exponents of Gaussian.

        These values can be used to compute the probability density function
        of this Gaussian: p(x) = norm_factor * np.exp(exponents).

        X : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features)

        norm_factor : float
            Normalization factor: constant term outside of exponential
            function in probability density function of this Gaussian.

        exponents : array, shape (n_samples,)
            Exponents to compute probability density function.

        X = np.atleast_2d(X)
        n_features = X.shape[1]

            L = sp.linalg.cholesky(self.covariance, lower=True)
        except np.linalg.LinAlgError:
            # Degenerated covariance, try to add regularization
            L = sp.linalg.cholesky(
                self.covariance + 1e-3 * np.eye(n_features), lower=True)

        X_minus_mean = X - self.mean

        if self.norm is None:
            # Suppress a determinant of 0 to avoid numerical problems
            L_det = max(sp.linalg.det(L), np.finfo(L.dtype).eps)
            self.norm = 0.5 / np.pi ** (0.5 * n_features) / L_det

        # Solve L x = (X - mean)^T for x with triangular L
        # (LL^T = Sigma), that is, x = L^T^-1 (X - mean)^T.
        # We can avoid covariance inversion when computing
        # (X - mean) Sigma^-1 (X - mean)^T  with this trick,
        # since Sigma^-1 = L^T^-1 L^-1.
        X_normalized = sp.linalg.solve_triangular(
            L, X_minus_mean.T, lower=True).T

        exponent = -0.5 * np.sum(X_normalized ** 2, axis=1)

        return self.norm, exponent

    def to_probability_density(self, X):
        """Compute probability density.

        X : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features)

        p : array, shape (n_samples,)
            Probability densities of data.
        norm_factor, exponents = self.to_norm_factor_and_exponents(X)
        return norm_factor * np.exp(exponents)

    def marginalize(self, indices):
        """Marginalize over everything except the given indices.

        indices : array, shape (n_new_features,)
            Indices of dimensions that we want to keep.

        marginal : MVN
            Marginal MVN distribution.
        return MVN(mean=self.mean[indices],
                   covariance=self.covariance[np.ix_(indices, indices)])

    def condition(self, indices, x):
        """Conditional distribution over given indices.

        indices : array, shape (n_new_features,)
            Indices of dimensions that we want to condition.

        x : array, shape (n_new_features,)
            Values of the features that we know.

        conditional : MVN
            Conditional MVN distribution p(Y | X=x).
        mean, covariance = condition(
            self.mean, self.covariance,
            invert_indices(self.mean.shape[0], indices), indices, x)
        return MVN(mean=mean, covariance=covariance,

    def predict(self, indices, X):
        """Predict means and covariance of posteriors.

        Same as condition() but for multiple samples.

        indices : array-like, shape (n_features_1,)
            Indices of dimensions that we want to condition.

        X : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features_1)
            Values of the features that we know.

        Y : array, shape (n_samples, n_features_2)
            Predicted means of missing values.

        covariance : array, shape (n_features_2, n_features_2)
            Covariance of the predicted features.
        indices = np.asarray(indices, dtype=int)
        X = np.asarray(X)
        return condition(
            self.mean, self.covariance,
            invert_indices(self.mean.shape[0], indices), indices, X)

    def squared_mahalanobis_distance(self, x):
        """Squared Mahalanobis distance between point and this MVN.

        x : array, shape (n_features,)

        d : float
            Squared Mahalanobis distance
        return mahalanobis(x, self.mean, np.linalg.inv(self.covariance)) ** 2

    def to_ellipse(self, factor=1.0):
        """Compute error ellipse.

        An error ellipse shows equiprobable points.

        factor : float
            One means standard deviation.

        angle : float
            Rotation angle of the ellipse.

        width : float
            Width of the ellipse (semi axis, not diameter).

        height : float
            Height of the ellipse (semi axis, not diameter).
        vals, vecs = sp.linalg.eigh(self.covariance)
        order = vals.argsort()[::-1]
        vals, vecs = vals[order], vecs[:, order]
        angle = np.arctan2(*vecs[:, 0][::-1])
        width, height = factor * np.sqrt(vals)
        return angle, width, height

    def _sqrt_cov(self, C):
        """Compute square root of a symmetric matrix.

        C : array, shape (n_features, n_features)
            Symmetric matrix.

        sqrt(C) : array, shape (n_features, n_features)
            Square root of covariance. The square root of a square
            matrix is defined as
            :math:`\Sigma^{\frac{1}{2}} = B \sqrt(D) B^T`, where
            :math:`\Sigma = B D B^T` is the Eigen decomposition of the
        D, B = np.linalg.eigh(C)
        # HACK: avoid numerical problems
        D = np.maximum(D, np.finfo(float).eps)

    def sigma_points(self, alpha=1e-3, kappa=0.0):
        """Compute sigma points for unscented transform.

        The unscented transform allows us to estimate the resulting MVN from
        applying a nonlinear transformation :math:`f` to this MVN. In order to
        do this, you have to transform the sigma points obtained from this
        function with :math:`f` and then create the new MVN with
        :func:`MVN.estimate_from_sigma_points`. The unscented transform is most
        commonly used in the Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF).

        alpha : float, optional (default: 1e-3)
            Determines the spread of the sigma points around the mean and is
            usually set to a small positive value.

        kappa : float, optional (default: 0)
            A secondary scaling parameter which is usually set to 0.

        sigma_points : array, shape (2 * n_features + 1, n_features)
            Query points that have to be transformed to estimate the resulting

        n_features = len(self.mean)
        lmbda = alpha ** 2 * (n_features + kappa) - n_features
        offset = self._sqrt_cov((n_features + lmbda) * self.covariance)

        points = np.empty(((2 * n_features + 1), n_features))
        points[0, :] = self.mean
        for i in range(n_features):
            points[1 + i, :] = self.mean + offset[i]
            points[1 + n_features + i:, :] = self.mean - offset[i]
        return points

    def estimate_from_sigma_points(self, transformed_sigma_points, alpha=1e-3, beta=2.0, kappa=0.0, random_state=None):
        """Estimate new MVN from sigma points through the unscented transform.

        See :func:`MVN.sigma_points` for more details.

        transformed_sigma_points : array, shape (2 * n_features + 1, n_features)
            Query points that were transformed to estimate the resulting MVN.

        alpha : float, optional (default: 1e-3)
            Determines the spread of the sigma points around the mean and is
            usually set to a small positive value. Note that this value has
            to match the value that was used to create the sigma points.

        beta : float, optional (default: 2)
            Encodes information about the distribution. For Gaussian
            distributions, beta=2 is the optimal choice.

        kappa : float, optional (default: 0)
            A secondary scaling parameter which is usually set to 0. Note that
            this value has to match the value that was used to create the
            sigma points.

        random_state : int or RandomState, optional (default: random state of self)
            If an integer is given, it fixes the seed. Defaults to the global
            numpy random number generator.

        mvn : MVN
            Transformed MVN: f(self).

        n_features = len(self.mean)
        lmbda = alpha ** 2 * (n_features + kappa) - n_features

        mean_weight_0 = lmbda / (n_features + lmbda)
        cov_weight_0 = lmbda / (n_features + lmbda) + (1 - alpha ** 2 + beta)
        weights_i = 1.0 / (2.0 * (n_features + lmbda))
        mean_weights = np.empty(len(transformed_sigma_points))
        mean_weights[0] = mean_weight_0
        mean_weights[1:] = weights_i
        cov_weights = np.empty(len(transformed_sigma_points))
        cov_weights[0] = cov_weight_0
        cov_weights[1:] = weights_i

        mean = np.sum(mean_weights[:, np.newaxis] * transformed_sigma_points,
        sigma_points_minus_mean = transformed_sigma_points - mean
        covariance =

        if random_state is None:
            random_state = self.random_state
        return MVN(mean=mean, covariance=covariance, random_state=random_state)


def condition(self, indices, x)

Conditional distribution over given indices.


indices : array, shape (n_new_features,)
Indices of dimensions that we want to condition.
x : array, shape (n_new_features,)
Values of the features that we know.


conditional : MVN
Conditional MVN distribution p(Y | X=x).
Expand source code
def condition(self, indices, x):
    """Conditional distribution over given indices.

    indices : array, shape (n_new_features,)
        Indices of dimensions that we want to condition.

    x : array, shape (n_new_features,)
        Values of the features that we know.

    conditional : MVN
        Conditional MVN distribution p(Y | X=x).
    mean, covariance = condition(
        self.mean, self.covariance,
        invert_indices(self.mean.shape[0], indices), indices, x)
    return MVN(mean=mean, covariance=covariance,
def estimate_from_sigma_points(self, transformed_sigma_points, alpha=0.001, beta=2.0, kappa=0.0, random_state=None)

Estimate new MVN from sigma points through the unscented transform.

See :func:MVN.sigma_points() for more details.


transformed_sigma_points : array, shape (2 * n_features + 1, n_features)
Query points that were transformed to estimate the resulting MVN.
alpha : float, optional (default: 1e-3)
Determines the spread of the sigma points around the mean and is usually set to a small positive value. Note that this value has to match the value that was used to create the sigma points.
beta : float, optional (default: 2)
Encodes information about the distribution. For Gaussian distributions, beta=2 is the optimal choice.
kappa : float, optional (default: 0)
A secondary scaling parameter which is usually set to 0. Note that this value has to match the value that was used to create the sigma points.
random_state : int or RandomState, optional (default: random state of self)
If an integer is given, it fixes the seed. Defaults to the global numpy random number generator.


mvn : MVN
Transformed MVN: f(self).
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def estimate_from_sigma_points(self, transformed_sigma_points, alpha=1e-3, beta=2.0, kappa=0.0, random_state=None):
    """Estimate new MVN from sigma points through the unscented transform.

    See :func:`MVN.sigma_points` for more details.

    transformed_sigma_points : array, shape (2 * n_features + 1, n_features)
        Query points that were transformed to estimate the resulting MVN.

    alpha : float, optional (default: 1e-3)
        Determines the spread of the sigma points around the mean and is
        usually set to a small positive value. Note that this value has
        to match the value that was used to create the sigma points.

    beta : float, optional (default: 2)
        Encodes information about the distribution. For Gaussian
        distributions, beta=2 is the optimal choice.

    kappa : float, optional (default: 0)
        A secondary scaling parameter which is usually set to 0. Note that
        this value has to match the value that was used to create the
        sigma points.

    random_state : int or RandomState, optional (default: random state of self)
        If an integer is given, it fixes the seed. Defaults to the global
        numpy random number generator.

    mvn : MVN
        Transformed MVN: f(self).

    n_features = len(self.mean)
    lmbda = alpha ** 2 * (n_features + kappa) - n_features

    mean_weight_0 = lmbda / (n_features + lmbda)
    cov_weight_0 = lmbda / (n_features + lmbda) + (1 - alpha ** 2 + beta)
    weights_i = 1.0 / (2.0 * (n_features + lmbda))
    mean_weights = np.empty(len(transformed_sigma_points))
    mean_weights[0] = mean_weight_0
    mean_weights[1:] = weights_i
    cov_weights = np.empty(len(transformed_sigma_points))
    cov_weights[0] = cov_weight_0
    cov_weights[1:] = weights_i

    mean = np.sum(mean_weights[:, np.newaxis] * transformed_sigma_points,
    sigma_points_minus_mean = transformed_sigma_points - mean
    covariance =

    if random_state is None:
        random_state = self.random_state
    return MVN(mean=mean, covariance=covariance, random_state=random_state)
def from_samples(self, X, bessels_correction=True)

MLE of the mean and covariance.


X : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features)
Samples from the true function.
bessels_correction : bool
Apply Bessel's correction to the covariance estimate.


self : MVN
This object.
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def from_samples(self, X, bessels_correction=True):
    """MLE of the mean and covariance.

    X : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features)
        Samples from the true function.

    bessels_correction : bool
        Apply Bessel's correction to the covariance estimate.

    self : MVN
        This object.
    self.mean = np.mean(X, axis=0)
    bias = 0 if bessels_correction else 1
    self.covariance = np.cov(X, rowvar=0, bias=bias)
    self.norm = None
    return self
def is_in_confidence_region(self, x, alpha)

Check if sample is in alpha confidence region.


x : array, shape (n_features,)
alpha : float
Value between 0 and 1 that defines the probability of the confidence region, e.g., 0.6827 for the 1-sigma confidence region or 0.9545 for the 2-sigma confidence region.


is_in_confidence_region : bool
Is the sample in the alpha confidence region?
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def is_in_confidence_region(self, x, alpha):
    """Check if sample is in alpha confidence region.

    x : array, shape (n_features,)

    alpha : float
        Value between 0 and 1 that defines the probability of the
        confidence region, e.g., 0.6827 for the 1-sigma confidence
        region or 0.9545 for the 2-sigma confidence region.

    is_in_confidence_region : bool
        Is the sample in the alpha confidence region?
    # we have one degree of freedom less than number of dimensions
    n_dof = len(x) - 1
    return self.squared_mahalanobis_distance(x) <= chi2(n_dof).ppf(alpha)
def marginalize(self, indices)

Marginalize over everything except the given indices.


indices : array, shape (n_new_features,)
Indices of dimensions that we want to keep.


marginal : MVN
Marginal MVN distribution.
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def marginalize(self, indices):
    """Marginalize over everything except the given indices.

    indices : array, shape (n_new_features,)
        Indices of dimensions that we want to keep.

    marginal : MVN
        Marginal MVN distribution.
    return MVN(mean=self.mean[indices],
               covariance=self.covariance[np.ix_(indices, indices)])
def predict(self, indices, X)

Predict means and covariance of posteriors.

Same as condition() but for multiple samples.


indices : array-like, shape (n_features_1,)
Indices of dimensions that we want to condition.
X : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features_1)
Values of the features that we know.


Y : array, shape (n_samples, n_features_2)
Predicted means of missing values.
covariance : array, shape (n_features_2, n_features_2)
Covariance of the predicted features.
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def predict(self, indices, X):
    """Predict means and covariance of posteriors.

    Same as condition() but for multiple samples.

    indices : array-like, shape (n_features_1,)
        Indices of dimensions that we want to condition.

    X : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features_1)
        Values of the features that we know.

    Y : array, shape (n_samples, n_features_2)
        Predicted means of missing values.

    covariance : array, shape (n_features_2, n_features_2)
        Covariance of the predicted features.
    indices = np.asarray(indices, dtype=int)
    X = np.asarray(X)
    return condition(
        self.mean, self.covariance,
        invert_indices(self.mean.shape[0], indices), indices, X)
def sample(self, n_samples)

Sample from multivariate normal distribution.


n_samples : int
Number of samples.


X : array, shape (n_samples, n_features)
Samples from the MVN.
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def sample(self, n_samples):
    """Sample from multivariate normal distribution.

    n_samples : int
        Number of samples.

    X : array, shape (n_samples, n_features)
        Samples from the MVN.
    return self.random_state.multivariate_normal(
        self.mean, self.covariance, size=(n_samples,))
def sample_confidence_region(self, n_samples, alpha)

Sample from alpha confidence region.


n_samples : int
Number of samples.
alpha : float
Value between 0 and 1 that defines the probability of the confidence region, e.g., 0.6827 for the 1-sigma confidence region or 0.9545 for the 2-sigma confidence region.


X : array, shape (n_samples, n_features)
Samples from the confidence region.
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def sample_confidence_region(self, n_samples, alpha):
    """Sample from alpha confidence region.

    n_samples : int
        Number of samples.

    alpha : float
        Value between 0 and 1 that defines the probability of the
        confidence region, e.g., 0.6827 for the 1-sigma confidence
        region or 0.9545 for the 2-sigma confidence region.

    X : array, shape (n_samples, n_features)
        Samples from the confidence region.
    return np.array([self._one_sample_confidence_region(alpha)
                     for _ in range(n_samples)])
def sigma_points(self, alpha=0.001, kappa=0.0)

Compute sigma points for unscented transform.

The unscented transform allows us to estimate the resulting MVN from applying a nonlinear transformation :math:f to this MVN. In order to do this, you have to transform the sigma points obtained from this function with :math:f and then create the new MVN with :func:MVN.estimate_from_sigma_points(). The unscented transform is most commonly used in the Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF).


alpha : float, optional (default: 1e-3)
Determines the spread of the sigma points around the mean and is usually set to a small positive value.
kappa : float, optional (default: 0)
A secondary scaling parameter which is usually set to 0.


sigma_points : array, shape (2 * n_features + 1, n_features)
Query points that have to be transformed to estimate the resulting MVN.
Expand source code
def sigma_points(self, alpha=1e-3, kappa=0.0):
    """Compute sigma points for unscented transform.

    The unscented transform allows us to estimate the resulting MVN from
    applying a nonlinear transformation :math:`f` to this MVN. In order to
    do this, you have to transform the sigma points obtained from this
    function with :math:`f` and then create the new MVN with
    :func:`MVN.estimate_from_sigma_points`. The unscented transform is most
    commonly used in the Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF).

    alpha : float, optional (default: 1e-3)
        Determines the spread of the sigma points around the mean and is
        usually set to a small positive value.

    kappa : float, optional (default: 0)
        A secondary scaling parameter which is usually set to 0.

    sigma_points : array, shape (2 * n_features + 1, n_features)
        Query points that have to be transformed to estimate the resulting

    n_features = len(self.mean)
    lmbda = alpha ** 2 * (n_features + kappa) - n_features
    offset = self._sqrt_cov((n_features + lmbda) * self.covariance)

    points = np.empty(((2 * n_features + 1), n_features))
    points[0, :] = self.mean
    for i in range(n_features):
        points[1 + i, :] = self.mean + offset[i]
        points[1 + n_features + i:, :] = self.mean - offset[i]
    return points
def squared_mahalanobis_distance(self, x)

Squared Mahalanobis distance between point and this MVN.


x : array, shape (n_features,)


d : float
Squared Mahalanobis distance
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def squared_mahalanobis_distance(self, x):
    """Squared Mahalanobis distance between point and this MVN.

    x : array, shape (n_features,)

    d : float
        Squared Mahalanobis distance
    return mahalanobis(x, self.mean, np.linalg.inv(self.covariance)) ** 2
def to_ellipse(self, factor=1.0)

Compute error ellipse.

An error ellipse shows equiprobable points.


factor : float
One means standard deviation.


angle : float
Rotation angle of the ellipse.
width : float
Width of the ellipse (semi axis, not diameter).
height : float
Height of the ellipse (semi axis, not diameter).
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def to_ellipse(self, factor=1.0):
    """Compute error ellipse.

    An error ellipse shows equiprobable points.

    factor : float
        One means standard deviation.

    angle : float
        Rotation angle of the ellipse.

    width : float
        Width of the ellipse (semi axis, not diameter).

    height : float
        Height of the ellipse (semi axis, not diameter).
    vals, vecs = sp.linalg.eigh(self.covariance)
    order = vals.argsort()[::-1]
    vals, vecs = vals[order], vecs[:, order]
    angle = np.arctan2(*vecs[:, 0][::-1])
    width, height = factor * np.sqrt(vals)
    return angle, width, height
def to_norm_factor_and_exponents(self, X)

Compute normalization factor and exponents of Gaussian.

These values can be used to compute the probability density function of this Gaussian: p(x) = norm_factor * np.exp(exponents).


X : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features)


norm_factor : float
Normalization factor: constant term outside of exponential function in probability density function of this Gaussian.
exponents : array, shape (n_samples,)
Exponents to compute probability density function.
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def to_norm_factor_and_exponents(self, X):
    """Compute normalization factor and exponents of Gaussian.

    These values can be used to compute the probability density function
    of this Gaussian: p(x) = norm_factor * np.exp(exponents).

    X : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features)

    norm_factor : float
        Normalization factor: constant term outside of exponential
        function in probability density function of this Gaussian.

    exponents : array, shape (n_samples,)
        Exponents to compute probability density function.

    X = np.atleast_2d(X)
    n_features = X.shape[1]

        L = sp.linalg.cholesky(self.covariance, lower=True)
    except np.linalg.LinAlgError:
        # Degenerated covariance, try to add regularization
        L = sp.linalg.cholesky(
            self.covariance + 1e-3 * np.eye(n_features), lower=True)

    X_minus_mean = X - self.mean

    if self.norm is None:
        # Suppress a determinant of 0 to avoid numerical problems
        L_det = max(sp.linalg.det(L), np.finfo(L.dtype).eps)
        self.norm = 0.5 / np.pi ** (0.5 * n_features) / L_det

    # Solve L x = (X - mean)^T for x with triangular L
    # (LL^T = Sigma), that is, x = L^T^-1 (X - mean)^T.
    # We can avoid covariance inversion when computing
    # (X - mean) Sigma^-1 (X - mean)^T  with this trick,
    # since Sigma^-1 = L^T^-1 L^-1.
    X_normalized = sp.linalg.solve_triangular(
        L, X_minus_mean.T, lower=True).T

    exponent = -0.5 * np.sum(X_normalized ** 2, axis=1)

    return self.norm, exponent
def to_probability_density(self, X)

Compute probability density.


X : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features)


p : array, shape (n_samples,)
Probability densities of data.
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def to_probability_density(self, X):
    """Compute probability density.

    X : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features)

    p : array, shape (n_samples,)
        Probability densities of data.
    norm_factor, exponents = self.to_norm_factor_and_exponents(X)
    return norm_factor * np.exp(exponents)