
distance3d.distance.point_to_ellipsoid(point, ellipsoid2origin, radii, distance_to_surface=False, epsilon=1e-16, max_iter=64)[source]

Compute the shortest distance between point and ellipsoid.

Implementation adapted from 3D Game Engine Design by David H. Eberly.

Geometric Tools, Inc. http://www.geometrictools.com Copyright (c) 1998-2006. All Rights Reserved

The Wild Magic Version 4 Foundation Library source code is supplied under the terms of the license agreement (http://www.geometrictools.com/License/Wm4FoundationLicense.pdf) and may not be copied or disclosed except in accordance with the terms of that agreement.

pointarray, shape (3,)

3D point.

ellipsoid2originarray, shape (4, 4)

Pose of the ellipsoid.

radiiarray, shape (3,)

Radii of the ellipsoid.

distance_to_surfacebool, optional (default: False)

Compute distance to surface or volume otherwise.

epsilonfloat, optional (default: 1e-16)

Values smaller than epsilon are considered to be 0.

max_iterint, optional (default: 64)

Maximum number of iterations of the optimization.


Shortest distance.

closest_point_ellipsoidarray, shape (3,)

Closest point on ellipsoid.